Saturday, July 25, 2020

Qualifications vs. experience what matters most in IT - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Viewpoint careers advice blog

Qualifications vs. experience â€" what matters most in IT - Viewpoint - careers advice blog As recruiters, we are regularly asked by candidates what certifications and degrees are needed to get a job. Quite honestly, when it comes to IT jobs, it depends. It varies wildly, depending on the job and the area of IT. In areas such as project and change management, having the right certifications is a prerequisite to getting the job. In others â€" such as infrastructure â€" a qualification is worthless unless it is accompanied by practical experience.  The below guide gives an area-by-area breakdown of the importance of certifications in IT. Infrastructure In infrastructure, experience is king. Many candidates have completed courses such as the MCSA, MCP, CCNA and CCNP but, without the experience, candidates simply don’t have a shot at securing their preferred job. Having both certifications and experience establishes a strong baseline to work from. Some specialist certifications such as the VCP for VMWare and CCIE for Cisco are highly valued and, when combined with experience, guarantee a premium rate when it comes to IT jobs. Our advice for someone who has completed any of the above certifications is to get some experience, either through an internship or a first line support job. Then focus on the certifications, as this will make you more employable in the future. For management level jobs, ITIL v3 and Etom are highly valued and often a prerequisite to even getting your CV considered for a role such as service delivery manager. Testing ISTQB certification is almost always a requirement for a test engineer. If you are not certified, it will definitely restrict your options when considering employers, although sometimes employers are prepared to invest in their employees by putting them through this course. The significant salary differential also makes the investment worth your while. Development Typically, employers look for a BSc in Computer Science or a related discipline for development roles. However, given the skills shortage in this area, employers are sometimes prepared to overlook this requirement if the candidate can demonstrate substantial experience in a specific language or platform. Culturally, developers are expected to continually upskill to keep their skills relevant. Increasingly, employers are asking candidates to complete tests or showcase work from sites such as GitHub or Stack Overflow to demonstrate their competence in a specific area. Project and Change Management Certifications are a necessity in this area. Having formal structured or agile project management certifications such as Prince2, PMP and ScrumMaster are often a requirement to even being considered for a job. This goes hand-in-hand with practical experience â€" no employer is going to let someone run a project without having previous experience. Quite often, lack of a degree is a barrier to entry and those without formal qualifications might find that they won’t be considered for a job, particularly when it comes to multinationals. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Data and business intelligence is an area where practical experience is more important that certifications. However, a HDip or Masters in Analytics will certainly add value to your CV. For junior analysts, exposure to SQL is a must. For business intelligence developers, experience with the Microsoft business intelligence stack (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS) is highly considered. Similarly, for reporting analysts, tools like Qlikview, Tableau, Microstrategy and Hyperion are valued. Bringing it all together In the certifications vs. experience debate, the key lies in the specific area rather than there being any single general rule. It’s always worthwhile speaking to your employers about what they value and whether they will financially support your upskilling. Alternatively, you can speak to a recruitment expert in the area in which you work for advice on how your skills development and certification should align to your chosen career path. Hopefully you found this blog interesting. Here are some other IT pieces which you also might enjoy: Digital marketing: the new IT crowd? The future of recruitment? 3 necessary steps to becoming an IT contractor 3 questions Im always asked about IT contracting Theres no such thing as a digital expert 2016: the year of the digital diviners Join our LinkedIn Group Join our LinkedIn Group to share your thoughts and stay up-to-date with the latest on business, employment and recruitment news in the IT industry. Join our Group

Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Key to Successful Writing Resume Video

<h1> The Key to Successful Writing Resume Video</h1> <h2> Writing Resume Video - Overview </h2> <p>What you prohibit is in any event as essential as what you incorporate. After you have composed and composed your data as indicated by the kind of resume you've picked, try to design it as per normal expert gauges. Find out about the three sorts of aptitudes it is conceivable to feature and the way it is conceivable to join them into your resume. You don't should be dismal in your video, yet you would like to guarantee it is perfectly clear that you understand the kind of work you will do. </p> <p>Use an introductory letter with your resume The resume will offer the most important and indispensable information, yet an introductory letter will empower you to hit on things that every single business needs to comprehend that shouldn't be on a resume. Drafting a resume which is truly going to cause you to separate yourself from the rest is no basic activity and with a gigantic measure of resume models on the web, we can run the risk of including excessively, excessively little or just conveying duplicate resumes which are dull and on occasion excessively shortsighted. Continuously remember that your resume is your absolute first and keep going impact on the planned business and along these lines, it should be an enduring one. Circumstance certain resumes by and large demonstrate they are particularly organized to suit individuals in a given circumstance, for example, section level resumes, between organization move resumes, and so forth </p> <p>It's exceptionally simple to find a conventional resume format on the web that you may utilize. Format for continue is an ordinary design that might be utilized for any work position. Free Resume Templates offers you the absolute best arrangement notwithstanding handy solutions to your resumes. </p> <p>It's then basic that you determine your past or present profe ssional training cautiously. Resume tips likewise matters a decent arrangement. Just the straightforward reality that you're in a situation to set up an expert resume for work gets you over most of your essential obstructions. Remember, it doesn't take numerous different occupations to dazzle your future managers as you could be seen as a work container. </p> <h2> What Does Writing Resume Video Mean? </h2> <p>You may likewise start a blog about a specialist energy. Saji Nair's video is a magnificent delineation of someone who utilizes her open talking aptitudes to her advantage. At the point when you're not kidding about getting work talk with, you should have a decent resume and introductory letter. </p> <p>You may need to look at all the resumes, for that issue. Resumes must be straightforward for the peruser to follow. All resumes, anyway they're assembled, should be elegantly composed and easy to filter for data. There are a great deal of fund amental sorts of resumes used to make an application for employment opportunities. </p> <h2> The Hidden Truth About Writing Resume Video</h2> <p>To learn more on what it requires to be a Video Producer, view our total Video Producer Job Description. There are in like manner a great deal of test resumes online at which you can simply conform to the arrangement and set in your subtleties like instructive foundation and expert experience. Check Employers Before Investing in actuality, before you own a video continue done, make a rundown of your objective associations to discover if any would see your accommodation. </p>

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Can Resume Writing Services Be Deducted From My Resume?

<h1>Can Resume Writing Services Be Deducted From My Resume?</h1><p>There are such huge numbers of various sorts of resume working administrations out there to look over. In this way, are these things going to be deducted from your resume?</p><p></p><p>Every kind of administration has its own particular manner of getting things done. Some will be undeniably increasingly advantageous, and some will be progressively proficient. Everything relies upon how you might want your business to be done.</p><p></p><p>If you decide to take an alternate sort of administration to get your resume composed, at that point you might have the option to have the cash deducted from your check. Be that as it may, in the event that you pick a progressively experienced organization to do the composition for you, at that point this won't occur. In any case, in the event that you do decide to have it composed by an accomplished organization, at t hat point they will charge you for this service.</p><p></p><p>If you decided to utilize a resume composing administration just because, you may find that it is unmistakably more expert than having it expertly composed. This is on the grounds that these organizations realize what they are doing and realize how to compose the resume for you.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous ways that these sorts of organizations get paid. For example, the organization pays your boss a specific measure of cash each time a vocation gets filled, so they will be repaid by the organization when you present a resume to them. You may even find that they do this after you have presented a resume to them.</p><p></p><p>When you go after a position, the individual who peruses your resume needs to see that you have invested in the best possible measure of energy into it. This implies the more expert your resume is, the more probable you are to get the job.</p><p></p><p>A proficient resume is similarly as significant as an expert introductory letter. Along these lines, make certain to have an expert resume and an expert introductory letter for whenever you apply for a job.</p>

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Silver Screen Career Advice The Wolf of Wall Street

Silver Screen Career Advice The Wolf of Wall Street 2013s The Wolf of Wall Street chronicles the rise and fall of stock tycoon Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Belfort is able to start from humble beginnings and eventually lead a large stock trading firm on Wall Street. The story of his company provides some career advice, if youre able to ignore the disgusting and hedonistic practices. Belfort certainly doesnt deserve to be glamorized, but he was a charismatic  leader if not a despicable human being. While there is likely an even distribution of what to do and what not to do with Belforts company Stratton Oakmont, well break down the lessons learned below. Sheep in Wolfs Clothing From the very start its clear that Belfort believes in his own ability to be successful. Although he is certainly full of himself, confidence goes a long way. Its easy to fall into the trap of self doubt when applying for jobs or starting a new one. Being confident in your own abilities will ensure you perform at your highest potential. Belfort also made sure he looked the part. He bought expensive suits for himself and had his employees suits tailored. Dressing for success can make a big difference especially in an interview. Check out our write up on interview attire here. From the start its very clear that Belforts first few employees arent the brightest or the best. However, in a short time they are all making millions as his partners. How is this possible you ask? Training. With an extremely thorough sales script Belfort turns them all into sales professionals. Training can transform employees. If youre a manager make sure you have continued development embedded into your company. If youre an employee, dont pass up on any opportunities to better yourself. Company Culture Employee Motivation Part of the reason that Belforts employees are loyal is because of how he treats them. The employees are given options for internal growth, as well as generous compensation. While the compensation practiced by Belfort was mostly illegal, legal compensation works in practice as well. Consider giving employees an extra day off or perhaps a lunch out to motivate them. Small favors go a long way when employees know their superiors care about and value their contributions. A strong company culture can have a big influence on employees. Belforts company is also successful because he is a visible face to all of his employees. Many employees only see their immediate manager in a day. Even then, sometimes face to face communication is a stretch. Being a visible force in your employees work day is a powerful motivator if you are a charismatic leader. For all his successes however, its important to remember Belfort crossed the line on many fronts. Need for Greed Early on as a businessman Jordan Belfort  blurred the lines of what was legal and moral before fully crossing it later on when he started his company. He was only driven by his greed which resulted in him taking money from many customers leaving them penniless. This insatiable greed is what got him arrested and destroyed his home life. Its important to remember that money isnt everything, and having a good work/life balance is crucial. We hope you enjoyed our look at the insane yet interesting  The Wolf on Wall Street. While it does chronicle the rise and fall of a bad man, it does offer a few pieces of advice. If you have another movie youd like to see examined, please let us know in the comments.